The White Horse 2024

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New Mission Statement

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Blessings & Curses 2023

Genesis 12:2-3 (NLT) I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you. The Holy Bible has a great wealth of wisdom and teaching concerning the Blessing and Curses that mankind can receive from Father God. The application of Blessings and Curses by Father God is contingent on our “Faithfully” following His instructions provided in The Holy Bible. Our actions and Trust in Father God’s directives can make our time on this earth Very Pleasant if you are obedient or Very Painful if you fail to act! Father God’s “Master Plan” is for all mankind to be under His Protection of Grace and Peace. It is up to us to seek a Genuine and Proper Relationship with Father God by reading, studying, and following the instructions found in The Holy Word of God. If you need and want to Receive all the Blessings from Father God that are available, you must follow His instructions found in The Holy Bible. When we follow His Instructions to Support and Defend The Nation of Israel with our prayers and the Public Defense of Israel’s right to exist as an Independent Nation State, we will be Blessed just as The Nation of Israel is Blessed by Father God. Read the attached document, this new document is an updated document that I originally wrote in 2015 to support AIPAC The American Israel Public Affairs Committee. This document may help you to understand the Wonderful Blessings Father God has waiting for you when you Bless and Support the people and Nation of Israel.

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2024 A Time of Testing & Choice

As the year 2024 Presidential election approaches we are confronted with a pivotal intersection between light and darkness, we must make our choice for who will be the President of our country and the leader of the “Free World”. This critical decision must be approached with deep prayer and objective thought. If you are a Christian Believer you must follow the wisdom and teachings found in the Holy Bible and look for the candidate that will protect and defend your “God Given”rights to worship pray and speak the “Truth” found in the Word of Father God. The candidate may not be a perfect man or woman, not a saint or prophet so spend your time and thoughts looking to see if they will support and defend The Constitution of The United States and it’s Amendments. They must also strongly defend your freedoms of choice and speech when it comes to your Religious Beliefs. This political choice could be the choice that will decide the Fate of our country and the condition of the world our children will live in.

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Is This The End?

As a young child most of us can remember a frightening time when a strong thunderstorm was building, lightning would flash and thunder would boom rattling the windows. We did not know if we were safe from the looming danger outside our home. If we were blessed with a strong loving father, we could run to him and find safety and comfort in his protective arms. The lost and dark world we live in today is in a time of building and very frightening conflict with fear of escalating war. Humanity is at war with itself, good and evil have become abstract ideas that have no concrete boundaries. It is time for all mankind to return to the protective arms of our Heavenly Father God where we can find true lasting peace and comfort. Even if you had no earthly father in frightening times of danger, your Heavenly Father was watching and aware of your fear and pain. Father God’s “Eternal Plan” was and is for all “His Children” to live with Him in His Kingdom in Eternal Peace and Safety. If you have questions about your future look to “The Good News”, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, read the attached teaching “Is This The END?” You could find True Lasting Peace.

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Off The Cuff intervene with Chris Smith “Brother Christopher” 10/13/2021

On October 13th I was blessed with an opportunity to deliver the Gospel of Jesus Christ and give my testimony on the Off The Cuff radio broadcast. If you have some time click on the link download and open it on your web browser. If you enjoy the program and want to hear more I hope that you will listen to the Off The Cuff talk show with Dinah Vargas @ 96.9 FM & 700 AM or listen at her web page podcast link.

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What is Trans-Humanism?

As the world moves closer to the end of the year 2021 a building frightening storm gathers strength on the horizon of the years to come. This powerful storm is not a physical weather storm it is a technological attack on “believers” and the Christian Faith. The Destroyer of Life , The Father of All Lies “Satan” is using an old lie powered with modern man-made digital and medical “Trans-Human ” technology. We as Christian Believers and all who believe in the Brotherhood of Man must all be prepared for a coming dark time of testing and temptation that is now at our doorstep. This sinful lie is the work of Satan, a lie that physical man can by his own works build a “Trans-Human” platform that will give them the ability to live into eternity as Digital Beings and not face death. This is the same “Deadly” mistake Satan made when he wanted to be like Father God thinking that he could be as powerful as Eternal God. This sinful mistake is the reason that Satan was cast out of the Kingdom of Heaven , damning him to the painful future of burning in the Eternal Fires of Hell for his sin. Satan now wants misguided sinful men and women who want the power over Life and Death to follow him to the same “Eternal” fate.

Isaiah 14:12-15 (NLT)                                                 The Fall of Satan!                                                  12 "How you are fallen from Heaven,                                  O shining star, son of the morning!                                    You have been thrown down to the earth,                               you who destroyed the nations of the world.                              13 For you said to yourself,                                        "I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God's stars.                                            I will preside on the mountain of the gods                             far away in the north.                                               14 I will climb to the highest heavens                                    and be like the Most High."                                         15 Instead you will be brought down to the place of the dead,            down to the lowest depths.                                                                                                          

To learn more about “Trans-Humanism” and how you can protect you and your family from this sinful lie read the attached document:

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The Fall of Babylon 2021

Revelation 18:4 (NLT) Listen to the Waring from Father God! Then I heard another voice calling from heaven, “Come away from her, my people. Do not take part in her sins, or you will be punished with her.

I was motivated to compose the attached document (Protected by The Word) in 2016 after two students at Columbine High School in Colorado turned on fellow students in blind rage and used weapons to attack and kill them. What could explain this total loss of respect for human life and natural respect for moral and human standards for life. How could this tragic mind numbing event take place in a country that was built on a foundation of law and order? Our country is at a point in time where Moral and Spiritual Decay has become acceptable in our apathetic complacent “American” day to day life, so I have amended updated and re-posted the 2016 document. We are now even closer to the time we must choose to accept “Social Reconstruction” ideas like “CRT” and take part in ” The Fall of America” or make the Commitment to Rebuild our Morality and personal Spiritual Life! Even if you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ or Faith in Father God you must as a human show your Love for our children and other members of the human race. The first step back to our historical roots can be undertaken by allowing the Christian Love and Moral Standards of Equality written in “The Holy Bible” to be found legally acceptable as teaching tools in public schools, we must not let The Holy Bible be canceled. This is the Turning Point that can and will change the Fate and Future of the country our children and grandchildren will be handed down from us. We as adults must find then use the tools of Faith Strength and “Correct Moral Standards to construct and rebuild a True Land of The Free and Home of The Brave” for our future generations to live in!

Revelation 18:8-10 Therefore, these plagues will overtake her in a single day- death and mourning and famine. She will be completely consumed by fire, for the Lord God who judges her is mighty.” And the kings of the world who committed adultery with her and enjoyed her great luxury will mourn for her as they see the smoke rising from her charred remains. They will stand at a distance, terrified by her great torment. They will cry out. ” How terrible, how terrible for you, O Babylon, you great city! In a single moment God’s judgement came on you.”

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Joy To The World 2020

2020 A.D. has been a year that no one looked forward to being part of or wanted to live through and have an interesting story for their grandchildren. We have all been chosen for a part in this time of transition and testing, it will be your opportunity to be part of the winning team by showing others the path to “Eternal” Joy! I have taken this opportunity and used this time of isolation and confinement to complete my book “I Can See Clearly Now” a commentary on the Minor Prophets. The book is intended to provide a look into what the future holds for our lost and confused world, your choice of who you follow and believe in will decide your — Eternal Destiny! I have attached to this blog post Chapter #12 The prophet Malachi it is the final chapter of my new book, if you choose to read this chapter and the book check all my conclusions and observations by reading the Bible Book of Malachi. The word of God (The Holy Bible) will always provide the Truth, and with this Truth bring Joy to all the world.

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The Second Bite of “The Forbidden Fruit”

Genesis 3:6 (NLT) The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and it’s fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.

Satan has been at work in this world for an exceptionally long time, he has now offered a “Second Bite” of the Forbidden Fruit to the women of our modern world. The first sinful offering in The Garden of Eden was to tempt woman with — Wisdom! This time Satan “The Father of all Lies” is providing the sinful offering of “Abortion” — (The Power over Life and Death)! I pray to Father God that He will stop Satan from using the “Power Hungry” men and women who will sacrifice living children to Satan, to gain more — Power! I pray for protection of the unborn children and for the “Repentance” (The turning away from a life of sin) of the lost men and women who will follow Satan’s Lies. I now ask for “Father God’s ” protection and intercession to protect all the unborn children, the protection that is provided by the Power of The Sinless Blood of Your Son — The LORD, Jesus Christ. If you would like to read my thoughts about why and how Satan has and will tempt “Power Hungry” men and women with sin, a sin that will only lead them to death and the “Eternal Fires of Hell”! Read the attached : The White Horse

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